Monthly Archives: September 2024

2024.9.17 – Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

Dear all,



         时近秋分,夏尚流连。协会决定于下周六,9月28日上午11:00,在Karohl Park举行秋季迎新野餐会。届时我们将有迎新、增补新理事和聚餐活动。现说明如下:






       1、热烈欢迎Dayton地区的华人朋友们欣然前往,共聚一堂, 也欢迎新成员加入DACA大家庭。鼓励你将向朋友转发此信息,也欢迎携带自制食物与大家分享,谢谢保留这个爱心传统的朋友们,同时我们也有许多从中餐馆来的餐食。



        Karohl Park

        2940 Hohl Drive,

        Beavercreek, OH 45432


        定位GPS: N 39 44.477 W 84 02.596




Hongwei Yu

President of DACA, and board members of

Dayton Association of Chinese Americans

2024.9.17 中秋节


Hello, old and new members of the DACA Chinese Association, new and old friends of the Dayton Chinese community!

First of all, I wish you all a happy Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival!

It is almost the autumnal equinox, and summer is lingering. The association has decided to hold a fall welcome picnic at Karohl Park at 11:00 am next Saturday, September 28. We will have a newcomer’s welcome, new director recruitment and dinner activities.


  1. About the day’s activities
  2. Warmly welcome Chinese friends in the Dayton area to come and gather together, and welcome new members to join the DACA family.

You are encouraged to forward this message to your friends, and you are also welcome to bring homemade food to share with everyone. Thank those friends who have preserved this loving tradition. At the same time, we also have many meals from Chinese restaurants.

  1. We started to arrive at 11:00 am; after a short familiarization, warm-up conversation, and reading the resumes of the incoming directors, we officially held a meeting at 11:30, including the president’s speech and the election of new directors; the picnic will start at about 11:50.
  2. The park where the activity is held has complete facilities. The dining area is adjacent to the children’s play area. There is a Frisbee golf activity area in the courtyard. However, the parking space is a bit tight, but you can park on the nearby streets. The address, website and other relevant information about the park are as follows:

        Karohl Park

        2940 Hohl Drive,

        Beavercreek, OH 45432

        GPS: N 39 44.477 W 84 02.596


Hongwei Yu

President of DACA, and board members of

Dayton Association of Chinese Americans

2024.9.17 – Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival