

注册会员办法  – Want to become a DACA Member?

1、填写会员表 (Please fill your membership form in two ways.):

1a、在线填写会员表(Online fill and submit)

1b、下载会员表DACA Membership Form(You may download the form, fill it and mail it to the address on the form.)

1c、另有:有奖民意调查表(请下载填写后带到现场,换取奖励。In addition: The prize-winning opinion survey form. Download and fill it out and bring it to the site to exchange for rewards.)

2、缴纳年度会员费 (Please pay membership fees which need to be renewed annually),网上缴纳非常方便,链接如下(It is very convenient to pay online via the link below):

     在线缴纳会员费 Pay membership fees online,  及其他缴纳方式 (and other paying methods).   

 3、更多信息请至网站(More information, Visit DACA website)

或者直接联络我们(Send us an email with your name and contact information on the Contact Us page and we’ll get in touch!)

会员福利举例Membership Benefits:

Members of the Dayton Association of Chinese Americans will be able to participate in many annual DACA events. These include:

  • Chinese New Year celebration
  • Local community affairs and engagements, e.g. DIFI
  • Summer camping trip
  • Summer & Fall picnics
  • DACA Youth Group events and activities
  • DACA Senior Club events and activities
  • DACA Dance Club events and activities
  • more ……

会员资格Membership Requirements:

Membership of DACA is open to any United States citizen, any United States permanent resident or any United States resident who accepts the purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and DACA Code of Regulations. A Member must be eighteen (18) years of age or over, and support the Constitution of the United States. DACA is made up of Americans of Chinese descent who are proud of their heritage.