Category Archives: News and Events

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DACA Tai Chi and Dance Group performed at TEDxDayton 2016!

The 4th TEDxDayton invited DACA Tai Chi and Dance Group perform Tai Chi Fan at Victoria Theater on 10/14/2016! There’re over 1,100 people attended the event. The local speakers shared many of there ideals, thoughts and experiences. DACA Tai Chi and Dance Group was the only Asian community was invited and was one of fourth performing group for the event! We performed Tai Chi Fan! The audience amazed by our performance!

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“2016 DACA Outstanding Youth” starts accepting applications now

It’s time to apply “2016 DACA Outstanding Youth”! The deadline to submit your application is September 8, 2016! Those who qualify will be awarded a certificate on 9/10 at DACA’s annual picnic.
Qualification: who have actively participated in DACA activities for at least 2 years and have completed at least 10 hours of service.
How to apply:
1. Download “DACA outstanding youth” form and fill out.
2. Send your completed form to DACA’s president: