Free Movie 《Sight》
based on the Chinese American inspiring true story
*English version at the end of the article
致力于扩大华人声誉影响,提高华人政治地位,谋求华人福利保障, 一直是我们DACA 华人协会多年来不变的理念和行动方向之一。
秉持这一理念,经过数月不懈的努力,我们将在本地推出一项重大活动:将在3/23、3/24两天免费放映两场公益电影《Sight》,电影讲述了中国留学生在美国学习、工作、取得成就并且贡献社会的故事。主人公原型, 杰出的华人代表之一,优秀医生王明旭博士,同时也是一位基督徒,他也将同步到现场演讲他的故事与见证,并签名授书。电影对白是中英双语,并且有对应的字幕。
此项活动对社会效益、文化发扬、华人利益、代际福祉诸方面都有显而易见的正面影响。为促成这一项目,我们DACA 华人社区许多有远见的热心人士付出了辛勤的汗水,取得了奇妙的结果,在整个俄亥俄州“3C1D”四大城市举办的五场放映中,Dayton独得两场。他们中许多人现在仍在积极推动的工作中。
1、DACA 为本周末的这两场放映,都提供了开演前的免费披萨Pizza招待观众。
Saturday March 23, 6:30 PM Movie @ Fairborn United Methodist Church, 100 N. Broad St. Fairborn, OH 45324
Sunday March 24, 1:15 PM Movie @ Dayton Chinese Christian Church, 600 Patterson St. Dayton, OH 45419
以正常价格三分之一的促销价$5,购买电影票作为礼物送给他们(促销可随时停止),请他们于5/24 Memorial Day Weekend在全国公映时来观看。想想看,把你身边的不同文化背景的人,你的邻居、你的同事、你的朋友请来体验你的文化和华人的故事,这是一个非常聪明的行动。记住,这不仅是华人的故事、亚裔的故事、也是美国人的故事。
Hongwei Yu
President of DACA,
Dayton Association of Chinese Americans
[English Version]
Committed to expanding the influence of Chinese reputation, improving the political status of Chinese people, and seeking Chinese welfare and protection, has always been one of the ethics and directions of our DACA Chinese Association for many years.
With this in mind, after months of unremitting efforts, we will launch a major event in the local area: two free screenings of the charity film “Sight” on March 23 and March 24, which tell the story of Chinese students who study, work, achieve and contribute to society in the United States. Dr. Wang Mingxu, one of the outstanding representatives of the Chinese community and a Christian at the same time, will also be present to give a speech on his story and testimony, and sign the book. The dialogue is bilingual in English and Chinese, with corresponding subtitles.
1. A lot of information about this film and Dr. Wang Mingxu can be referred to the following links:
Trailer with Chinese subtitles:
This activity has obvious positive impacts on social benefits, cultural development, Chinese interests, and intergenerational well-being. The hard work of many visionaries and enthusiasts in our DACA Chinese community has led to fantastic results, with Dayton winning two of the five screenings held in the four major cities of “3C1D” throughout Ohio. Many of them are still actively promoting them.
2. Some explanations on specific matters:
- DACA provided free pizza for both screenings this weekend.
- In order to go smoothly, especially to facilitate the preparation of a reasonable amount of food, it is highly recommended that you pre-register! For details, please see the promotional poster Flyer at the back, or click on the registration link below:
- Pay attention to the on-site process, if you want to receive food, please arrive at the venue in advance according to the time indicated on the poster, and the food supply will end before the screening. Presentations and book autographs will be held after the screening.
- Movie screening time and place:
- Saturday March 23, 6:30 PM Movie @ Fairborn United Methodist Church, 100 N. Broad St. Fairborn, OH 45324
- Sunday March 24, 1:15 PM Movie @ Dayton Chinese Christian Church, 600 Patterson St. Dayton, OH 45419 (Dayton Chinese Christian Church)
3. in terms of publicity and promotion, we believe that there are four levels of effort:
- Online social platform. Based on the consensus mentioned above, please mobilize and work together to promote, such as email, WeChat groups, etc. Those who receive the information and who have this article please spread it widely.
- Institutions and community organizations. For example, libraries, schools, organizations and associations in various regions use these platforms to promote.
- Political institutions and party organizations. For example, earlier this month I made a presentation to local government workers and certain party candidates. Please work hard to promote it in your network.
- People you know, such as your colleagues, neighbors, and friends. Do you often feel cultural differences in your daily life, study, and work, and do you want the people around you to know more about your cultural characteristics and the stories of Chinese people serving American society? Then now is your chance. You can visit the national screening agency website for this film at
For $5 at one-third of the regular price, buy a movie ticket as a gift (the promotion can be stopped at any time) and invite them to watch it at the national release on May 24 Memorial Day Weekend. Think about it, it’s a very smart move to bring people from different cultural backgrounds around you, your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends to experience your culture and the stories of the Chinese people. Remember, this is not only the story of the Chinese, the story of Asians, but also the story of the Americans.
Thank you for participating! All information is available on the DACA website: