About DACA
The Dayton Association of Chinese Americans (DACA) is a non-profit organization located in Dayton, Ohio. DACA was formed in 1973 to promote the social, cultural, and educational well-being of the Chinese American residents of Greater Dayton; to promote cultural understanding between the Chinese-American residents of Greater Dayton and Greater Dayton Community, and to enrich the Greater Dayton Community by rendering those special services of a cultural or social nature that our Chinese heritage makes us especially capable of rendering.
The goals of DACA are:
- to unite all Chinese descentants in the Dayton area, regardless of origin, religion or political affiliation, by sponsoring various activities to promote mutual understanding and sense of community.
- to enrich the social, cultural, and educational lives of the Chinese in the Dayton area.
- to advocate Chinese cultural experiences and philosophy for the residents of the greater Dayton area.
- to elevate cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Chinese Americans and local residents in the Dayton area.
- To welcome anyone who loves Chinese culture and is willing to promote our cause to join DACA.